Tuation be gone! Punk…

This post is a post that is a refined version of a reaction to a forum request of a call to action in which I developed an aversion by avenue of acquiescing to persuasion and employing some writing deviation in which I would let flow a stream of five hundred words and ooze out without so much ease five hundred more if I had the time but of late I have not had much so I will crack on for a wee while and pay little mind to measuring such a quota and not keeping any sort of score because to do that may distract me from this mission which is to serve the aforesaid request which I have made doubly difficult for myself and am not one bit sure for I am trying to have it both understandable and punctuationless with the added nuance of the vaguest hint of slightly metered rhyme to which I will add in there some of the time that I am figuring presently will further hamper any chance of this sentence progressing or tending to advance where to especially bear in mind it could end up a catastrophe as I am realising now puntuationless must sure also mean a lack of apostrophe for that will leave this with only two elements of the three and with that I shall sign this sentence off as I am actually holding my breath too as I type and calculate that this is only a shade over being forty three point three percent job done and should really be therefore considered to rest in the gap between coming up short and total calamity

















Published by

Museworthy Man

Typically atypical man from Manchester with aspirations that'll never/maybe/could one day be realisations :-D

3 thoughts on “Tuation be gone! Punk…”

    1. Didn’t mean to turn you blue, but you’re right; I just re-read and I subconsciously pitched my breathing to the reading.Seems we rely on the junctures to inhale even when reading. The popping back from time to time usually yields less I’m afraid Esme; it’s more tweaks than complete transpositions, so good spot and I shall reward you with a sweet-shop bag of all the unused punctuation that you can proudly string about your next piece. 🙂

      1. “Thank _ you ((very) muchly ~ mister,,:-,)!”perhaps I, should . . . “‘use- them’;, . . . :as ‘*bunting*’?!”..:;]

        – esme of intterobang and punk-chewing nations fame upon the Cloud

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